
Showing posts from December, 2017

Is Your Manager A Weak Personality?

Here are signs that could help you to know whether your manager is a weak personality: 1) If employees speak up or suggest, he/she shuts them down. 2) When things go wrong, does he/she instantly blame others? 3) He/She constantly scares or threatens people. 4) He/She follows policies without listening to his members. 5) He/She can't admit that they made an error and so fail to learn.

How To Treat Your Staff Right?

Treating your staff right is essential to increase productivity. You must treat your staff as you want to be treated that is you should respect your employees. The right attitudes of employee treatment and motivation will ensure that greatest levels of productivity. Even during the economic downturns, when the firings or layoffs exert the greater demands on the remaining workers, it is important to treat your staff with respect. The following ways will help you to treat your staff right: 1) Know their requirements. 2) Pay people salaries worth their work. 3) Keep in touch with them. 3) Spread happiness among your people. 4) Don’t waste their time in meetings.   5) Respect their education and work which is more important than awards. Don't forget to express your thoughts on this!

How To Talk To A Colleague In A Bad Mood?

There is no denying that even the coolest colleague of yours can be in a bad mood at some point of their life. And when we happen to confront such situations, we dread to talk to a colleague in a bad mood. Here are few tips to help you talk to your colleague in a bad mood: 1) Avoid asking the person if he's okay. Just let them be. 2) Don't go to cheer the person or get them to talk. 3) You know the other person is stressed so don't take their comments to heart.

How To Stay Motivated At Work?

Most of us look for motivation at work so that we could begin it or sometimes to continue doing our work. Sometimes external circumstances are the push you need at work while at other times you need to look within yourself to stay motivated. So let us now check out how to stay motivated at work: 1) Finish off the big or important tasks first and try and delegate the smaller ones. 2) Move around in and outside the office. 3) Don't do something because you should but rather think of why you want to do it. 4) Try to make your personal time fun by adding one activity exclusively for yourself a week.

How To Make Great Employees Stay?

The start to create a strong workforce is by hiring the employees. Next step involves that you have to keep them. This is because the great employees are difficult to find again and the high employee turnover costs the business owner's in time as well as productivity. Follow these tactics to retain your employees: 1) Communicate the happenings of your business frequently. 2) Make them feel like partners in the work. 3) Give them responsibilities and get their feedback on new things. 4) Show them the meaning in what they're asked to do. 5) Get your best employees to be mentors to others. 6) Recognize and praise their efforts.   Don't forget to voice your opinions on this!

How To Have Discussions With Your Superiors?

It is important for you to prepare and think through some key items ahead of time in order to have a productive career discussion with your superiors. The best approach is to be confident about your career goals and have the conviction which will help you to be in full control of your career path. Discussion with your superiors will help you to be successful in reaching your objective, it will be much more productive and hopefully a more engaging discussion. Find out how to have discussions with your superior: 1) Use the right words that denote your topic of discussion without aggression. 2) Clear your mind of emotions before you approach your boss with questions. 3) Be ready to mutually solve your problem. 4) After the meeting, say thanks to your manager and send a short summary afterward.   I hope this helps you! Don't forget to tell me what you think.

How To Have A Positive Outlook For Your Work?

Having a positive outlook for your work is one of the essential things that will help you to enjoy it and continue with it. As children, we often wished to get growing faster to become an adult. However, when we entered the adult life, we start missing the good olden days of our childhood. Though adult life is exciting, many a times we are drowned with the work life. In the quest to earn our livelihood we start giving utmost importance to our work which may make us feel that we have lost the freedom that we had earlier. We also feel the lack of carefree and positive attitude we had during the childhood days. Hence, it is quite essential to have a positive outlook for your work: 1) Whatever the work is, do it well—not for the boss but for yourself. 2) You are not the work you do; you are the person you are. 3) You make the job; it doesn’t make you. 4) Your real life is with us, your family. Feel free to express your views on this!

How To Get Quick Email Responses?

Let us look at four quick tips which will increase your chances of your email getting opened quickly by other. This will also help to keep their attention long enough to get quick email responses. 1) Be clear in what you require from the recipient. 2) Make it easy for them to respond by giving details or links. 3) Put in a deadline by when the person needs to do something. 4) If someone never responds, put a line that you'll take an action if the person doesn't respond in time.

How To Be A Confident Person?

Look at yourself in the mirror. Who do you see? A superhero with bulging muscles, flying cape ready to conquer the world. No! If you don't believe you can conquer the world, then there is no way you will ever. No need to feel down, although you might not be a superman, but you can combat the villain of low self-esteem. There is power in self-confidence and here's how to become a confident person: 1) Know when you require help and seek people. 2) Show your attempts to your close ones to check your progress and give feedback. 3) Keep practicing anything till you're sure you can do it with ease. 4) At times, take a risk. I hope this helps you become a confident person.

How To Assess Your Career?

Assessing your career is as important as self-introspection. This is because it will help you to identify what you have attained till now, what you are yet to achieve and what you are lacking. Here are their suggestions on how to assess your career: 1) Clean your office desk off all the clutter. 2) Contact your network to stay in touch. Meet new people. 3) Review your quarter to see your progress and goal attainment. 4) Check for areas where you need improvement. 5) Plan a vacation.

Give Up These If You Seek Happiness And Success

Who in the world doesn't wish for happiness and success? Every one of us wants to be happy and successful, however, only some of us manage to seek happiness and success. If you are seeking happiness and success, then give up the following: 1) Expecting perfection from yourself all the time. 2) Being bothered about missing out on things. 3) Being afraid of criticism and feedback. 4) Waiting for others to praise you. 5) Stop taking negativity from others.   I hope these will help you in your quest to seek happiness and success. Don't forget to let me know what you think!

How To Handle Work Anxiety?

Work anxiety is not just the work anxiety instead it often bleeds into your home and personal life as well. And it goes on for too long then chances you that you may develop anxiety which lasts even after you leave your job. Most people develop severe anxiety due to the toxic work environments or stressful tasks that create chronic stress at their workplace. The chronic stress has the potential to cause long-term anxiety which could possibly lead to the development of anxiety disorders. If you are stuck in the same job, then overcoming the work anxiety is difficult. But it is not impossible since it simply needs imagination, a little bit of fun and the willingness to motivate yourself every day. Another important thing is to remember that you decide how important your work is for you- since work is supposed to be a means to an end. If you find yourselves very much stressed at work and give too much value to what happens in the workplace then you must understand that the purpose

Give These 5 Excuses When Your Boss Finds Out You Are Job Hunting

Admit it, we all have been in this situation hunting a job and fearing what if our boss finds it out. Well, here are 5 excuses if your boss finds out you are job hunting: 1) Don't lie and be honest about it. 2) Explain to your boss why you're searching for one 3) Ensure that your explanation doesn't involve you disliking your boss! 4) Tell them that your job hunt is not distracting you from your current responsibilities. 5) Finally, thank him/her for patiently listening to you.

Don't Do These 5 Things Before You Get The Job

Before you get the job, refrain from doing these five things: 1) Create any usable project or plan. Either show your existing work or if you do share a new one, share in excerpts. 2) Don't agree shadowing another employee for a day doing free work. 3) Don't commit to future events. 4) Don't share your IP work without stating that it's not for the company's use. 5) Always ask who's going to pay for your travel and stay if a company asks you to interview in another city.

6 Common Mistakes To Avoid In Your CV's

Your CV makes an impression of you even before you present yourself at the interview. Hence, it is important to avoid the following six common mistakes in your CV's: 1) Avoid putting silly email addresses. Create a nice professional one. 2) Try and keep your CV to maximum 2 pages always. 3) Remove any generic descriptions. 4) Don’t forget to describe your last role, even if that was a college one. 5) Avoid paragraphs and include bullets. 6) Stick to standard fonts.

6 Best Stress Reduction Techniques That Will Help You For Lifetime

Stress is part of our lives- you cannot escape the stressful situations, instead take smart decisions to include stress reduction techniques in your daily routine. It is well known that stress not only takes a toll on your mental health but long-term stress can have adverse effects on your physical health as well. So, here I have mentioned 6 best stress reduction techniques that will help you for the lifetime: 1)     Create boundaries between work and home. 2)     Remember the good things in your life. 3)     Listen to some nice music while you take a break. 4)     Indulge in your hobby. 5)     Make a habit of inculcating mindfulness. 6)     Look at the positive side of what’s stressing you.

5 Questions That Will Tell You If You're Unhappy At Work!

We all are on an endless quest for happiness. Being happy has certain career benefits since it boosts your productivity and creativity at the workplace. There are numerous habits and hacks such as expressing gratitude, exercises and starting a side problem that helps you to be happy in your career. However, not all things are rosy. There are people who are miserable in their jobs. This is why our friends and family frequently advises us to "do something you love" or "pursue your passion." But not all people can resonate with this advice since most of us don't yet know what we actually love doing. Finding something you love isn't always laid on a straight line path instead there are plenty of setbacks. But a lot can be learned along the way. Here are 5 questions you can ask yourself to pinpoint if you are unhappy at work: 1) Is your job giving you the space to grow and learn new things? 2) Have you made up your mind to be happy or unhappy w

4 Signs That It's Time To Move On From Your Present Job

Are you constantly stressed about your work? Do you feel as though you don’t fit in at the office? Did you recently experience verbal abuse on the job? If so, then you might be ready to move on. According to our career experts, there are 4 signs that it’s time to leave your present job and move on. 1) There's no scope to improve your current role. 2) The job doesn't have any challenges and you're constantly bored of work. 3) The job offers you're getting are way better 4) Just the thought of your dream job excites you more than your current one. Don't forget to voice your opinions on this!

3 Tips To Keep Your Cool When Everything Is Going Haywire At Work

It is easier to believe that successful people have the Midas touch- everything they touch turns into gold.   However, this is not true! Because they too have their fair share of failures, things going wrong and setbacks just as we do have. The only difference between the successful people and us is that they rarely allow the mishaps, missteps, and misadventures of the life to keep them down or discouraged for a long time. This is because they’ve learned how to keep their cool when everything is going haywire at work. Let us now check out the 3 tips to keep our cool when everything is going haywire at work: 1) Divert your mind away from the problem and towards seeking solutions. 2) Take support from people who know that things are going bad and can assist you out of it. 3) Acting fake positive actually works to improve your mood.   Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

3 Office Things You Shouldn't Worry About

The life-hacking and self-help industries have been fretting about optimizing every single facet of our working lives. But often this is a total waste of time since there are plenty of things both large and small at work which are really not worth worrying about. These things are such that either we can't influence them or they won't influence our careers. The earlier we understand the significance, the better. So, here are the 3 office things you should NOT really worry about: 1) You eat alone during lunch, and that's okay. You should only worry if you haven't made any friends in office. 2) You worry about not contributing enough to meetings. Change that by either preparing well before the next one or by sending a follow-up email with ideas. 3) It's okay if you leave work before your boss but it's not okay if you're shirking work and leaving early. Awaiting to hear your thoughts on this!